Saturday, July 25, 2009


In the early stages of designing a 1000 square foot cabin in Texas that will be able to create its own energy, cool itself and still feel like what the owner is imagining as a rustic cabin in the historical old cedar hills. All framing, insulation, windows and materials will come from a construction methodology that allow for maximum integration into the environment.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Leggy Table

In order to create the overall environment we are looking for on the Spire project some pieces of furniture are needing special attention and craftsmanship. No one better than a local creative group Double Butter to bring an inspiration, idea and vision to fruition. The table inspiration came from a visit to the St. Martins Lane Hotel in London where a collection of tall tables are arranged as the waiting area before dinning. A wine bar/drink area concept. Perfect for a Billiards area in the current project. No need to completely replicate the table and with some modifications we have a similar look, feel and function at a fraction of the cost. We were also able to use local fabricators and keep the local local creative march and bandwagon activated especially now days. Check out Double Butter and what those guys are up to and keep it local and cool. g